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So far admin has created 7 blog entries.

Should I choose a professional as my trustee?


Besides deciding what will happen to your estate when you pass on, one of the most important decisions you need to make when creating your estate is the choice of a trustee. Your choice of a trustee can mean the difference between efficient and professional handling of the trust you leave behind and one that [...]

Should I choose a professional as my trustee?2022-01-30T09:57:29+00:00

Low-value assets should still be in an estate plan


People who are doing their estate planning often think about their high-value assets first. They decide who’s going to get the house. They divide the contents of their bank account. They consider what to do with their investments or their life insurance. It is true that all of these things are important, but don’t let [...]

Low-value assets should still be in an estate plan2022-01-30T09:56:03+00:00

3 ways your estate plan can protect your children


A surprising number of people think that it is safe and reasonable to wait to create an estate plan until they are about ready to retire. The obvious issue with this approach is that it leaves a person with little protection during their working life. It can also leave their closest family members in a [...]

3 ways your estate plan can protect your children2022-01-30T09:58:53+00:00

Factors that increase the risk of elder abuse


As we grow up, we tend to rely on the support of our older relatives, such as our parents, grandparents, aunties and uncles. It is an unavoidable fact of life that we all age, and there may come a time where the roles are reversed. Ensuring that your elderly relatives have the highest standard of [...]

Factors that increase the risk of elder abuse2022-01-30T10:00:05+00:00

Do you need a disinheritance clause?


If you’re doing your estate planning, there are a lot of different tools that you can use. It all depends on what your goals are. For some parents, the goal is to disinherit a specific child, perhaps one that they had a falling-out with or someone that they don’t believe will be able to use [...]

Do you need a disinheritance clause?2022-01-30T10:01:03+00:00

Avoid these 3 common Medicaid planning errors


A common notion is that you need to go broke to be eligible for Medicaid. However, it is not true. With proper planning and restructuring of your financial resources, you can meet the eligibility criteria without spending everything you own on nursing home care. This is what Medicaid planning is all about, and with a [...]

Avoid these 3 common Medicaid planning errors2022-01-30T10:02:11+00:00

What are the steps to finding long-term care?


At some point in your life, you may need long-term care for a health condition or because of your age. It is important to look into setting up long-term care options now so that they are available when you need them. Having the right plan for your long-term care can make it much easier to [...]

What are the steps to finding long-term care?2022-01-30T10:03:14+00:00
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